Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the online delivery of digital tools and services – these including data storage, servers, databases, network systems, analytics, artificial intelligence, and software. Provided through the internet (a.k.a. the “cloud”); businesses are given flexible access to their necessary resources, improving communications, innovation, and overall workplace productivity.

Popular examples of cloud computing include online software subscriptions (i.e. Spotify, Netflix, Microsoft Office 365), online file storage (i.e. Google Drive) and everyday communication tools such as e-mail and social media. Whatever requires the use of software or digital data are now likely available through the cloud – in contrast to traditional practices of having on-premise hardware or physical, standalone products.

Lumify Learn’s AWS Cloud Computing Professional and Azure Cloud Computing Professional courses provide bootcamp training in the fundamentals of the field, delving into both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required of industry experts. Students will learn the basics of cloud computing architecture, business principles, security, compliance, and more; as well as familiarise themselves with the sectors leading cloud providers: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

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Tech Talk

Why Study Cloud Computing?

With its ability to improve workplace communication, efficiency, and overall productivity (particularly among remote workers), it’s no surprise how companies are increasingly adopting the cloud on both a local and global scale. The larger the business – the greater the use of cloud technologies, with 81% of organisations (holding 200 or more employees) currently on the cloud. Such numbers are only expected to grow with the rise of telecommuting, especially amidst post-pandemic workforce changes.

With more and more businesses now adopting the cloud (in fact, 55% of Australian companies have reportedly paid for such services between 2019-20), demand for such skills has skyrocketed in recent years. AlphaBeta and AWS’ recent Building Digital Skills for the Changing Workforce report have ranked cloud computing experience as the most in-demand skillset required by employers by 2025, a demand bolstered by an increasingly digital, post-pandemic landscape.

In fact, recent findings by Gartner show a potential 17.6% increase in Australian cloud computing expenses by the end of 2022 – underlining its growing importance in modern business. This growth in demand, however, is currently outpaced by an ever-expanding skills shortage. The country now requires an extra 60,000 ICT workers each year to bridge the growing talent gap; among which cloud computing remains a priority. Additionally, statistics show that 65% of Australian workers now need to be trained in cloud-related skills by 2025, should they wish to progress in their general careers.

Thus, studying cloud computing not only paves the way for plenty of career opportunity in the field – it also ensures your skills stay relevant and competitive for an increasingly digital future. Such services are no longer a “nice-to-have” among businesses, but have become a critical technological staple. With high demand facing a currently limited talent pool, plenty of cloud computing positions also pay a generous salary; according to Payscale, the average earnings for cloud computing skills currently sits at a whopping $136,000 AUD per year. Study options have additionally never been more accessible, with abundant opportunities to build your skills online. This includes Lumify Learn’s Cloud Computing Certified Professional program, a comprehensive course flexibly delivered through an all-online platform.

On top of this, learning cloud computing can open doors for flexible tech-related career paths. With much of your work taking place through digital means, you’ll likely find plenty of remote or work-from-home positions; allowing you to take your job with you wherever you go.

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