Cloud Engineer

Learn about the key skills, common qualifications, and daily job duties of a cloud engineer. Discover statistics on industry growth, salary potential, and main areas of employment in the field.


Demand for cloud computing continues to skyrocket, with 42% of Australian businesses now paying for its services. With a rapidly-growing industry, the skills to build and maintain these structures are now on a sky-high demand.

Cloud engineers fill this need with their expertise in planning, designing, and maintaining cloud-based systems. Such professionals assess a company’s current IT infrastructure and ways to safely migrate their data to the cloud. Their profession can be broken down into three roles: a solutions architect (designing cloud-based programs and infrastructure), a cloud developer (developing cloud-based applications), and SysOps engineer (managing developed applications).

Typical job tasks may include developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications; monitoring cloud systems; and working with other IT experts to integrate/migrate existing, on-premise structures to a cloud-based environment.

With the cloud computing field set to expand, cloud engineers can expect 73,000 additional jobs in Australia between 2019-2023.

Key Skills

  • Familiarity with multiple cloud provider environments; including SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platforms, IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) platforms, and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) platforms

  • Extensive knowledge of programming languages, including Python, Java, and Ruby

  • Experience with APIs, DevOps, automation, and databases

  • Skills in network design and management

  • Experience or knowledge of virtualisation and related services

  • Strong cybersecurity skills for ensuring safe, reliable cloud computing environments

Quick Facts

As a subset of computer network professionals, cloud engineers can find work in most regions of Australia, with New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland currently holding the largest share of workers. Weekly salary potential is currently higher ($2,021) than the all job average ($1,460) with plenty of opportunity for full-time work.

Salary Range

$55,000 - $207,000 (Average: $119,572)*

*Source: Indeed

Average Weekly Hours

42 hours (vs. all jobs average of 44 hours)*

*Source: Job Outlook

Main Industries

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services; Information Media and Telecommunications; and Education and Training

Most Common Qualification Level

37.8% hold a Bachelor’s Degree


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*Sources: and – All information is to be used as a guide only, and are accurate at the time of publication.

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