What does 2023 have in store for workers and career changers?

By Lumify Learn Team  |  April 24, 2023

Making that much-needed career change may seem daunting at first – but in this day and age, it’s easier to do than ever.

Not only are there a growing number of “mature-aged” workers making the switch across Australia, but there are also wide range of career assistance and training options now readily available to help you get started.

Below, we break down the realities of changing careers in this current landscape, and the top tech sectors to consider transitioning to.

Why it’s easy to change careers in 2023

An abundance of resources

Career-driven individuals can now enjoy a plethora of new tools, assistance options, and programs to help them shift roles or industries with ease.

Vocational education and training (VET) is one such resource, for example, proven to have positive outcomes for both employment and personal development. This avenue offers an efficient pathway into one’s desired field by helping equip aspiring professionals (and career changers) with the practical skills and experience they need. Furthermore, plenty of training programs are now being delivered online, such as the numerous tech-related courses offered by Lumify Learn.

Additionally, career changers may also turn to industry programs specifically designed to help connect them to the key figures or opportunities of their desired sector. For instance, Lumify Learn’s Lumify Edge program offers students a helpful platform for building their career confidence through mentorship services, resume assistance, interview practice, and links to available industry jobs.

The affordability/accessibility of resources

Alongside the growing selection of career-building (or career-shifting) resources, much of these options are also largely affordable and accessible. As of 2021, there have been over 3500 registered VET training providers delivering nationally-recognised training across Australia, enrolling about 4.3 million students. Career changers looking to build their skills will thus have plenty of choice with the wide range of training programs (plenty of which offer online options) and providers available.

At Lumify Learn, aspiring tech experts can explore the generous range of sought-after IT courses available – from cyber security to artificial intelligence – all accessible from the comfort of their own home.

Though vocational skills training is already seen as a more “cost-effective” pathway into employment, certain training providers may also offer substantial financial assistance. Lumify Learn, for example, provides multiple yet simple payment plans allowing students to pay in fortnightly or monthly instalments. This enables them to only pay for what they study, making their experience at Lumify Learn an all the more affordable one.

University education isn’t necessary (to start)

Finally, with the rise of VET qualifications, a tertiary education isn’t a necessity for certain entry-level career positions. Those who graduate from VET training are typically armed with the “job-ready” skills needed to “hit the ground running” in their industry – which could include practical experience with the tools, equipment, and technology required on-the-job. The ability to get started in a field without the need for a costly, four-year degree is yet another reason for the current ease and accessibility of career-shifting.

It's important to note, however, that university education has been found to often lead to higher pay and more advanced opportunities in the long run (for certain jobs). This is due to the greater theoretical knowledge one usually gains from tertiary qualifications compared to VET training.

Regardless, VET credentials (on top of offering an entry-level pathway to employment) are also typically a helpful stepping stone into university-level training.

The truth about changing careers

You can change careers at any age

Regardless of age, a career change can take place at any point in your life. Despite the stereotypes surrounding mature-aged workers and their assumed “outdated” practices, research has found an increasing number of professionals in their 50s up being in line with the latest industry trends, technologies, and jumping onto the new opportunities available on the market.

“Seniorpreneurs” are also on the rise, with Australians over the age of 55 now pursuing their own businesses. During the last half decade, this demographic even made up the fastest-growing segment of entrepreneurs in the country.

Career transitions can thus take place no matter your age, and with the wide range of resources and financial assistance now available, you can very well take the leap this 2023.

Being around like-minded peers is crucial

Of course, it’s also important to be around others who encourage and inspire you through your endeavours.

Before you make the change, take the time to speak with others in your desired role or industry. If possible, ask them for further insight on what your career prospects, employer expectations, and day-to-day activities may be in the field. This can provide you with further information on what your prospective career would look like and whether it falls in line with your goals and interests.

It’s all about the attitude

Finally, having the right drive is crucial. A career change is possible at any time, at any change – for as long as you’ve got the proper outlook and motivation to pursue it.

Along with surrounding yourself with like-minded professionals, a good attitude can also be achieved through proper goal-setting. Give yourself a number of short and long-term goals, helping you ensure progress as you transition between careers. Make sure these goals are practical and process-oriented; for instance, rather than making a certain job position your goal, make it goal to acquire the right skills and experience for the role, instead.

Looking for a career change? Consider these IT sectors

If you’re seeking a new challenge this 2023, what better industry than tech? Full of lucrative, future-proof, and ever-dynamic opportunities, the IT field remains as one of the most rewarding industries for a career transition. We explore some of the top sectors to look into below.

Salesforce administration

Salesforce is currently the global leader in customer relationship management (CRM), offering companies and entrepreneurs a centralised platform for all their commerce, service, marketing, and IT needs. Salesforce administrators ensure the efficiency of this platform by customising it to their business’ needs – helping automate solutions, solve technological problems, and configuring system requirements.

Average salary: $104K AUD

Study pathway: Certified Salesforce Professional (Administrator), Certified Data Analytics Professional

Cyber security

Cyber security is the practice of protecting an individual or business’ IT networks, servers, and electronic systems from malicious digital attacks. Common roles in this sector include security analysts, penetration testers, ethical hackers, and security architects.

Average salary: $98K AUD

Study pathways:
Certified Cyber Security Professional,
ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology (Elective Focus Basic Cyber Security),
ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security)

Cloud computing

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources (i.e. storage, databases, networking, analytics tools, etc.) over the internet. This allows businesses to benefit from more flexible, scalable, and innovative resources. Professionals in this field commonly pursue roles in cloud engineering, administration, and architecture.

Average salary: $141K AUD

Study pathways:
Cloud Computing Certified Professional,
ICT40120 – Certificate IV in Information Technology Elective Focus Cloud Computing

Make the career switch with Lumify Learn today!

As mentioned, those looking to make the career transition into tech can benefit from the growing range of training courses offered by Lumify Learn.

From bootcamps in data science and artificial intelligence to fully-fledged diplomas in networking and web development, aspiring tech experts may find all they need to get started in this rapidly growing industry. Best of all, each course is flexibly delivered online, helping you study at a time, place, and pace that suits you best.

Take the leap this 2023, and make a career change with Lumify Learn today.