2024 IT Industry Trends School Graduates Should be Aware of

By Lumify Learn Team  |  December 13, 2023

The information technology (IT) industry is one of the most dynamic and influential sectors in the world today. It encompasses a wide range of products and services that enable businesses and individuals to communicate, create, store, process, and access data. The IT industry is also constantly evolving and innovating, driven by the needs and demands of customers, markets, and society.

In fact, management consulting company Gartner estimates that global IT spending will reach $4.6 trillion this year, a jump of 5.1% over last year’s spending. Recruiting in the IT industry in Australia is also strong, with demand remaining high and IT professionals enjoying some of the highest salaries in the country.

If you plan to start a career in the IT industry after graduating from high school, it’s important to be aware of the latest trends going on. This blog will list some of those and discuss how Lumify Learn can give you a head start in the IT industry. By being knowledgeable of the latest trends, you can have a competitive edge over other candidates looking for jobs in this sector.

What are the IT Industry Trends That You Should Be Aware of?

10 - 2024 IT Trends School Gradueates should be aware of

Generative AI

Generative AI is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that can create new content, such as text, images, audio, and video, using generative models. These models learn from large amounts of data and then generate new data that has similar characteristics. For example, generative AI can write poems, stories, code, essays, and more, based on inputs or prompts.

Generative AI is powered by foundation models, which are large AI models that can multi-task and perform out-of-the-box tasks, such as summarisation, Q&A, classification, and more. Foundation models can also be adapted for specific use cases with minimal training data.

This technology has many applications across various industries and domains, such as art, writing, software development, product design, healthcare, finance, gaming, marketing, and fashion. It can also help improve customer interactions, discover insights from data, summarise information, and automate tasks.

In a survey by McKinsey, one-third of their respondents said that their organisations are regularly using generative AI in at least one part of their business.

Cloud and 5G

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services like server storage, databases, networking, and software over the Internet. 5G, on the other hand, is the fifth generation of mobile network technology. It offers lower latency, faster speeds, higher capacity, and better reliability than previous generations.

The cloud and 5G can work together to enable new use cases and applications. For instance, the cloud and 5G can support edge computing, which is the processing of data closer to the source or the user. Edge computing can reduce latency and bandwidth consumption, and enable real-time and interactive applications like augmented reality, virtual reality, autonomous driving, and industrial IoT.

Aside from this, the cloud and 5G can help with network slicing, which is the partitioning of a physical network into multiple virtual networks. This can allow different applications and users to have customised and optimised network experiences. For instance, a network slice for a critical healthcare service can have high priority and availability, while a network slice for a social media service can have high bandwidth and low latency.

Improved Cyber Security Solutions

Also known as electronic information security, cyber security is the act of protecting systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks like malware and phishing attacks. Cyber attacks can have serious consequences for individuals, businesses, and governments, such as financial losses, identity theft, reputational damage, and national security threats.

As technologies advance, so do the techniques that hackers are developing. In fact, phishing attacks grew by more than 60% in 2022. Aside from this, Kaspersky Labs found that the percentage of users affected by ransomware doubled from January to October 2022.

In light of these escalating cyber threats, staying vigilant and adapting to enhanced cyber security solutions is paramount. As we look forward to 2024, the IT industry is witnessing significant advancements in cyber security to counteract the ever-evolving tactics of cyber criminals. These include:

  • AI and machine learning-integrated cyber security: AI and ML can help automate and enhance various aspects of cyber security, such as threat detection, analysis, response, and prevention. AI and ML can also help identify and mitigate new and unknown threats, as well as adapt to the changing behaviour and tactics of cyber attackers.

  • Zero trust security mode: Zero-trust is a security model that assumes that no entity, whether internal or external, can be trusted by default, and that every request for access or resource must be verified and authorized. The model can help reduce the attack surface and prevent unauthorized access, especially in complex and distributed environments, such as cloud, mobile, and IoT.

  • Human-centric security design: Human-centric security design is a method that focuses on the needs, preferences, and behaviours of the users, rather than the technology, threat, or location. It can help create more user-friendly and intuitive security controls, such as biometric authentication, behavioural analytics, and gamification.


Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that enables the creation and exchange of digital records that are secure, verifiable, and immutable.

It can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries, such as banks, governments, or corporations. Blockchain can also enhance the efficiency, reliability, and trustworthiness of data management across various domains, such as finance, health, supply chain, and education. In 2024, blockchain is expected to have a significant impact on various industries and sectors, such as:

Lumify Learn: Your Path Towards a Career in IT

Now that you understand the trends that will shape the IT industry this 2024, it’s crucial to equip yourself with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in this dynamic landscape. Fortunately, there’s Lumify Learn! We offer vendor-certified boot camps and nationally accredited courses in the following areas:

Our courses are conducted 100% online, so you can balance your studies with your personal and professional matters. You will also be taught by expert trainers and mentors who will be with you from the start till the end of your learning journey.

Once you complete a course, you could become eligible for a 33% credit towards a bachelor in IT degree course in select universities in Australia. Lastly, you can take advantage of Lumify Edge, a comprehensive membership program that aims to provide students with the necessary tools to launch a fulfilling IT career.

To learn more about how Lumify Learn can help you with your plans after graduation, check out our latest eBook.

Join the rewarding world of IT by enquiring about a course today.