IT Service Management Professional

clock icon 12 weeks | Average of 8.5 hours per week
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27th May 2024

computer icon 100% online learning
certificate icon ITIL® 4 Foundation
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Free course guide

Everything you need to launch your IT career and develop your technical problem-solving skills.

Course overview

The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) is focused on growing Victoria’s economy and ensuring it benefits all Victorians by creating more jobs for more people, building thriving places and regions, and nurturing inclusive communities.

As part of the Digital Jobs Program, the Lumify Learn offers the IT Service Management Professional 12-week course. As part of the Lumify Group (the largest provider of IT training in Australia), we are uniquely placed to deliver the highest quality education. We developed this course by collaborating with industry experts, researching job descriptions, and interviewing professionals to create a course that is a true reflection of what companies are hiring for, right now. 

This course provides you with an end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and operation of tech-enabled products and services. As part of the course curriculum, we will introduce you to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) and prepare you to take the ITIL® 4 Foundation certification exam, with the help of the included exam voucher and eBook.

The benefits of completing Lumify Learn's IT Service Management Professional Course

Lumify is the largest provider of vendor ICT training in Australia and trains over 16,000 students each year. Lumify launched the Lumify Learn to provide those looking to enter the ICT industry with the most contemporary and future-focused skills to succeed in the industry.

We are proudly partnering with the Victorian Government on their Digital Jobs program to build the state's digital workforce by upskilling mid-career Victorians like you, transitioning into digital careers.

Get the foundation you need for a career as an IT Professional using a variety of popular tools and gain valuable soft skills to get you ready for a high-paying and rewarding job.

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Connect with our carefully selected group of experts in the field, whose role is to mentor you through your course.

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Launch your career with a globally recognised certification, highly respected by employers.

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We developed a learning plan to help you succeed in this program and you can access the learning platform for up to 12 months.

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Access a variety of tailored learning experiences, such as video content, quizzes, live labs, expert led webinars and more.

Course Structure

IT Service Management Professional
clock icon 12 weeks | Average of 8.5 hours per week
computer icon 100% online learning
certificate icon ITIL® 4 Foundation

The IT Service Management Professional course is made up of the ITIL® 4 Foundation certification, provided through PeopleCert. The course is comprised of the topics outlined below:

  • Overview of Service Management and the introduction to ITIL® (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)

  • Introduction to the mentality and culture of how to serve the clients, and the service economy and understand your role in the Service Value Chain

  • A holistic approach to the facilitation of co-creation of value with customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and services

  • The guiding principles of ITIL 4

  • Key concepts from Lean, Agile, and DevOps, and why these are important to deliver business value

  • The four dimensions of Service Management

  • Introduction to real-world case studies and examples of ITIL being applied to systems, processes, and organisations within the commercial and government sectors

  • Introduction to ServiceNow, the most popular cloud-based task-management platform that specialises in IT operations, services, and business management

  • Leadership and Soft Skills: Sharpen your interpersonal, communication, customer service, change management, teamwork, and other leadership skills to succeed in the workplace

Enrolment information

The course requires no prerequisites; even if you are brand new to the industry, with the right attitude and appetite to learn, you will be able to complete the course.

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Tech Requirements

While there are no prerequisites for the course, you will need to have access to a laptop or desktop computer with a reliable internet connection.

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Lumify Learn mentors will be available for 1:1 sessions to support your studies and ask any questions about your career goals and industry.

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Your Mentor

Your mentor is an award-winning, experienced IT professional with over 25 years of hands-on experience in the industry.

What happens next?

Click here to download the course brochure for detailed information. If you have any questions about the course, please send us an email at [email protected].

Payment information

Eligible candidates of this program are not required to pay for this course. If you have any questions about the course, please send us an email at [email protected].

Tech Talk

Talk to an advisor

Request a callback from one of our advisors to ask questions or discuss about your study options.

Image: Project Management Professional
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100% online learning

Our industry-leading ICT courses and web-based learning environment are available to you 24/7.

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Payment Plans

Contact us to learn more about our flexible monthly payment plans.

With options ranging from 8 to 24 months, you can start paying as little as $58.46 per week.

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Support every step of the way

Our team will make sure you finish what you start. Our Trainers, Mentors and Student Support Team will be there for you at every step.