6 entry-level IT jobs and how to get them

By Lumify Learn Team  |  May 26, 2022

The world of tech offers plenty of opportunities – from ever-growing sectors of software development to rising areas in cloud computing and data science. As an industry of high talent demand against a growing skills gap, professionals are also bound to find numerous high-paying roles; many of which are acquirable through entry-level experience and education.

Below, we break down six high-paying, in-demand entry-level IT jobs in Australia, how to get your foot in the door, and how training with Lumify Learn can help.

Web developer

Using various programming languages, databases, and software applications; web developers design, build, and maintain website according to a user’s requirements. This profession is often categorised in three areas: front-end (those focused on the user-facing aspects of a website), back-end (those focused on the server-side aspects), and full-stack (those focused on both).

According to Payscale, web developers earn an average of $62,541 per year in Australia.

How to land a job as a web developer:

  • Learn the necessary coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It is often recommended to take up a course (or two) in the field to build a comprehensive understanding of the practices, skills, and knowledge required of the role.

  • Pursue an internship or your own personal projects. Put your learned skills to practice by applying them in an actual work environment or by designing your very own website. Either venture will add to your portfolio and industry experience.

  • Plenty of online communities such as GitHub, freeCodeCamp, Stack Overflow are now available for web developers to connect, communicate, and collaborate with others in the field.

PC Technician

PC technicians are tasked with diagnosing, identifying, and fixing issues within one’s computer performance. They spend much of their time communicating with clients, installing computers, identifying (and eliminating) computer viruses, and ensuring one’s devices are all up to date.

According to Payscale, PC technicians earn an average of $51,234 per year in Australia.

How to land a job as a PC technician:

  • Learn the ins and outs of computer systems and networks. Plenty of training courses are available in systems administration, networking, and cyber security to help equip one with the skills to troubleshoot network and operating systems.

  • Take up a traineeship. This allows you to put your skills to practice in an actual workplace environment, helping you have a feel of the actual role. You’ll also get a chance to work with other PC technicians, helping you broaden your network connections.

  • Build on your soft skills. As you’ll be working directly with customers and clients, be sure to polish your communication, active listening, and analytical thinking skills.

Systems administrator

Systems administrators oversee one’s computer network systems. They help install, manage, and configure networks and server systems as per user requirements; troubleshooting for issues and providing technical support when required.

According to Payscale, systems administrators earn an average of $71,259 per year in Australia.

How to land a job as a systems administrator:

  • Gain the necessary qualifications. Online courses are available to equip you with the training you need, such as Lumify Learn’s ICT40120 – Certificate IV in Information Technology (Systems Administration Support). This not only builds your skills in client support, cyber security, and server management – but also verifies your skills for the job market.

  • Consider joining an association. The Australian Computer Society (ACS) offers plenty of opportunities for professional development, industry networking, and increased job prospects.

  • As with PC technicians, it can help to focus on your interpersonal as well as your technical skills. As a client-facing role reliant on clear, active communication – those with strong abilities in problem-solving, collaboration, and relationship-building are more likely to find success.

Cyber security analyst

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With a thorough understanding of one’s computer systems and network infrastructure, cyber security analysts help monitor and secure their hardware, software, and network environments. They troubleshoot for any issues or weaknesses, ensuring they’re addressed and resolved before malicious actors can take advantage of them.

According to Payscale, cyber security analysts earn an average of $77,510 per year in Australia.

How to land a job as a cyber security analyst:

  • Learn the ropes of cyber security. As with other rising fields in IT, plenty of training courses are now available in this sector – such has the Certified Cyber Security Professional course offered by Lumify Learn. You’ll delve into areas of networking, cloud-based software, and general IT security.

  • Have a cyber security certification (or two) under your belt. This not only verifies your skills for the job market, but ensures you’ve got competitive credentials to meet industry demands. Lumify Learn’s course is comprised of globally-recognised certifications under CompTIA (A+, Network+, and Security+).

  • Consider joining an industry body like the Australian Information Security Association

    to expand your network connections, gain access to relevant resources, and broaden your career opportunities.

Cloud engineer

Cloud engineers are responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of cloud-based systems. They may help with building and implementing applications for the cloud, debugging systems as necessary, and migrating any on-premise business data to such platforms.

According to Glassdoor, the average cloud engineer earns about $115,000 per year in Australia.

How to land a job as a cloud engineer:

  • Build your knowledge and skills in cloud computing. Lumify Learn currently offers a Cloud Computing Certified Professional course, arming students with the fundamental skills in managing cloud systems across the industry three largest players: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

  • Get certified. Globally-recognised qualifications can boost your value on the job market while keeping your skills up-to-date and competitive. Lumify Learn’s course offers its students with certifications from CompTIA, Google Cloud, AWS, and Microsoft Azure

  • Broaden your knowledge of programming languages. While the basics of cloud computing are critical, it’s also important to build your experience in various in-demand coding languages – these including Python, Ruby, Java, Linux, and OpenStack.

Junior data scientist

Data scientists are tasked with collecting, organising, and interpreting data necessary for business reports and analysis. With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day, these professionals not only help sift through, but also structure and extract meaning out of this raw information – drawing any significant trends or patterns that may assist with company decisions.

According to Payscale, the average data scientist earns $92,090 per year in Australia.

How to land a job as a junior data scientist:

  • Build your skills in data analytics. Lumify Learn’s Certified Data Science Professional course offers globally-recognised training in cloud data services and the AI/machine learning technology necessary to assist with data mining and analysis.

  • Get familiar with the necessary programming languages. Common coding languages for data science include Python, R, SAS, and SQL – helping one analyse and manage large sets of unstructured, raw data.

  • Build your skills in probability and statistics. In a field centred on numerical data, you can elevate your data science skills through training in the mathematics of probability and statistics; helping you better analyse, interpret, and present the information at hand.

Looking to land your dream job in Lumify Learn?

As mentioned, Lumify Learn offers a wide variety of tech courses to get you started in Australia’s most in-demand ICT fields. From rising areas of cyber security and cloud computing to the ever-expanding field of networking and web development – we’ve got the nationally-recognised training you need to land your dream IT role.

Best of all, each course is delivered online, helping you train according to your needs and schedule.

Step foot in the world of ICT today, and enquire with us on a course.