Meet Our Mentors and Trainers

Aline Kokotovic
Aline Kokotovic
Lead trainer
Aline is a seasoned Information Technology professional with over 20 years of experience in various roles within the IT industry. Her expertise lies in supporting large companies in the Finance and Natural Resource sectors.
Sanjay Verma - Cyber Security Mentor
Sanjay Verma
Cyber Security Mentor
Sanjay has over 27 years of international experience delivering large security transformation programs. He believes that mentorship is a two-way learning experience through which both the mentee and the mentor have much to gain
Krish Thhaker - Web Development Trainer
Krish Thhaker
Web Development Trainer
Krish has extensive experience in designing, developing, and maintaining complex web applications for a diverse range of clients, thanks to his deep understanding of front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as back-end technologies.
Rajalakshmi Kandasamy - Certificate III and Certificate IV (Web Development) Trainer
Rajalakshmi Kandasamy
Certificate III and Certificate IV (Web Development) Trainer
Rajee has over 12 years of experience in delivering a wide variety of ICT programs to students from diverse backgrounds and skill levels. Her expertise lies in delivering comprehensive and engaging courses in web development, and general IT
Sue Wickes
Project Management Mentor
Sue is a seasoned professional in the training and digital marketing fields, renowned for her exceptional project management skills and passion for mentoring others.
Shuaib Chaudhry
Shuaib Chaudhry
Digital Marketing Mentor
Shuaib is a mentor who has over 20 years of experience in digital marketing. He has worked with various companies in different industries and has mastered various digital marketing channels.
Shruti Mahajan
Data and AI Mentor
Shruti is a passionate Data Engineer, with years of experience developing cutting-edge cloud-based solutions for data architecture. Her belief in mentorship and continuous learning has driven her journey in data science.
Nickelby Thane
Cyber Security Mentor
With over 18 years of diverse cyber security experience, Nickelby Thane has held roles from engineer to Chief Information Security Officer. He contributed to strategies and implementations across various industries, from maritime to banking.
Anup Deb
Cyber Security Mentor
With over 25 years of combined experience in the IT and cybersecurity industry, Anup is skilled in cyber security trends, vulnerability patterns, pulling together global scale distributed security models, advanced analytics, and cyber fusion outcomes.
Daniel Armstrong
IT Networking and Cloud Computing Trainer
Dan has actively participated in the mining, infrastructure, and in roles such as IT manager, systems administrator, and Level 3 engineer. His true passion lies in training individuals and witnessing their progression towards fulfilling IT careers.
Craig Rossow
Cyber Security Mentor
With 23+ years in IT, Craig delivered programs, held roles from tech to management at Harvey Norman, IBM, Apple, and more. He bridges industries, fostering collaborative, inclusive adult education, always seeking solutions.
Darren Rosin
Cloud Computing Mentor
Darren is a dedicated mentor and a seasoned professional who has experienced and embraced the intricate transformations of technology in his over 20 years of working in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry.
Evan Xia
Evan Xia
Data and AI, Web Development, and IT Support Mentor
Evan brings his wealth of expertise as a seasoned consultant specializing in customer relationship management systems and software integration. He embodies the essence of a true team player, showcasing exceptional leadership and communication skills.
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Mayank Gupta
Project Management Mentor
Mayank is an accomplished project management professional with a fervent passion for guiding aspiring project management students to reach new heights. He has a solid foundation in various project management methodologies.
Ravi Alwani
Cyber Security Mentor
Ravi Alwani is a seasoned cyber security professional with a deep-rooted commitment to nurturing the next generation of cyber defenders. He's here to guide you on your journey to becoming a cyber security expert.