Got a flair for working with numbers, statistics, and analytical problems? You may just find your calling through a career in data analytics.
A fast-growing and highly demanded field worldwide, data analytics has become one of tech’s hottest sectors in recent years – spurred on by our exponential data generation, the rapid evolution of AI, and the emergence of new analytics technologies. It’s an industry that not only rewards the technical, but also those with a keen eye for detail and the drive to make significant business impact.
Below, we break down the top reasons to pursue a career in data analytics, and how training with Lumify Learn may help.
What is data analysis?
Data analysis is the process of collecting, organising, examining, and interpreting raw digital information in order to make informed business decisions. A multitude of varying analytical methods are often involved, including descriptive analysis (i.e. what does the data present?), diagnostic analysis (i.e. why did these trends take place?), predictive analysis (i.e. what trends may take place in the future?, and prescriptive analysis (i.e. how will these new trends take place?). All such methods are rooted in two key forms of research: quantitative and qualitative.
Data analysis allows companies to not only make key decisions based on facts and evidence, but also allows them to save costs in the long run by investing in optimum areas of business, as well as helps them target their intended audiences better.
What do data analysts do?
At the helm of the data analytics process are data analysts. These professionals are responsible for gathering, cleaning, modeling, and analysing the business information their company requires. At the end of the process, data analysts are typically expected to present their findings to relevant stakeholders, often through visualisations such as charts, graphs, and Powerpoint presentations or written reports.
Career opportunities for data analysts can be found in almost any industry, as most fields benefit from their work in pursuing business growth and innovation.
Data analysts are generally required to have strong skills in math and statistics, have a sound business mindset, and are able to work with common software tools such as Microsoft Excel, Google Analytics, and Google AdWords.
Reasons to become a data analyst in Australia
Demand is high
Among the many reasons to pursue a data analytics career in Australia – its current national demand is a primary one. According to SEEK statistics, the projected job growth for data analysts currently sits at a whopping 27.7% in the coming five years, with Payscale reporting an average salary of $72,840 AUD per year. Pay tends to increase as one’s experience grows, with the highest earnings recorded at an average of $102,000 AUD per year.
With employers seeking out data analysts across all Australian fields, aspiring professionals will not only enjoy a great level of job security in the years to come – but also a wide variety of choice among industries. Almost any business can benefit from the data analysis solutions, whether it’s a company specialised in IT, in hospitality, retail, construction, marketing, and many more.
Flex your logic and mathematical skills
A data analyst role is ideal for those with keen problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and a sharp flair for mathematics. You’ll be dealing with numbers, patterns, and both quantitative and qualitative interpretations on the daily – allowing those with talents in such areas to naturally shine.
If you fancy yourself an analytical thinker, with a knack for breaking down complex situations in the search for solutions, then a data analytics career can offer plenty of professional and personal fulfillment. Not only will you be in a job that pays well, but you’ll also get to exercise your natural skills and passions.
Make significant business impacts
Data analysts are relied upon for their strong ability to collect and interpret otherwise jumbled, unstructured digital information. The results of this are then typically used to navigate a company’s next moves – whether it be pinpointing potential areas for growth, identifying new audiences, determining weak or strong investments, or simply gaining a clear picture of their overall performance.
The work produced through data analysis is thus a catalyst for key business decisions, helping executives make the changes they need for both the short and long-term. Thus, your role is a highly valued one; making lasting, significant impacts of the future of one’s business.
Opportunities for flexible work
With much of a data analyst’s work taking place in the digital space, you’re bound to find plenty of opportunities for remote or flexible work. This offers you the freedom of either working on-the-go or from the comfort of your own home, helping you achieve better work-life balance.
The digital nature of data analytics is also an advantage in unforeseen economic circumstances, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic. As a career taking place online, your job is unlikely to experience negative disruption in such situations. Next to the field’s high demand, this also adds to the strong job security data analytics offers its employees.
Sharpen your business acumen
Finally, a career in data analytics provides the opportunity of broadening your business skills, to boot. In fact, success in the field does not come without at least a solid foundation of basic business knowledge – a skillset that’s only bound to grow as you build more experience in the field.
Gathering and modeling data for crucial business strategies can help you understand the ins and outs of general business, a handy knowledge base to have for any career. As you evolve in the profession, you may even get a chance to work with big names such as Microsoft, HP, and IBM – leaders in the big data and data science field.
It’s an exciting industry with plenty of lucrative and fulfilling opportunities, and Australia’s only on the hunt for more.
Become a data analyst with Lumify Learn!
Another benefit to pursuing data analytics is the vast number of training options now available. Plenty of these are accessible through all-online courses, such as Lumify Learn’s Certified Data Analytics Professional program.
Comprised of three certifications under Microsoft, a leading tech body in data science, beginners in the field will learn the fundamentals of data management in the cloud, cloud-based data services (particularly within a Microsoft Azure environment), and navigating Microsoft’s Power BI – a leading Analytics and Business Intelligence platform.
Graduates of this course may build the skills to start pursuing careers as entry-level data analysts or business analysts. The program takes about 3-5 months to complete, and is delivered through an all-online platform, allowing students to train at a place and schedule that suits their needs best.
With growing demand and exciting career paths, now’s the perfect time to explore the evolving field of data analytics. Start your journey by enquiring on a course today.