How to transition from customer service to IT support

By Lumify Learn Team  |  December 26, 2024

How to Transition From Customer Service to IT Support

Transitioning careers is something many people do throughout their lives. In fact, the average person holds 12 jobs in their lifetime, in anywhere from three to seven different areas of work. In other words, wanting to change jobs is normal, especially if you’re shifting to a growing industry such as IT.

If you are interested in a career in IT, previous experience in an industry such as customer support makes the transition easier. Customer service skills align well with the interpersonal side of an IT role. When combined with the practical knowledge you can gain from one of Lumify Learn’s online IT courses, your existing knowledge of customer service will be invaluable when applying for roles in the industry.

It support people

What Does an IT Support Specialist Do?

IT support specialists are critical to the success of organisations, ensuring that computer networks and other telecommunications devices are functioning correctly. The daily responsibilities of an IT support specialist are split between technical expertise and communication skills, and can include:

  • Installation & Maintenance: The primary role of an IT support specialist is to install, configure and maintain an organisation’s computer and network systems. Part of your role may also be to set up and manage user accounts. 

  • Troubleshooting: IT specialists are usually responsible for diagnosing and resolving issues with computer systems and networks, including connectivity and compatibility challenges. 

  • System Monitoring and Technical Support: An IT support specialist may also be responsible for regularly checking the organisation’s computer system and providing clients with technical support when they need it.

Documentation: Documenting processes and technical specifications of work that has been carried out is a key component of being an IT support specialist.

What Are The Different Levels of IT Support?

Typically, IT support is categorised into different levels of responsibility. Each role plays a critical part in the functioning of an organisation’s computer systems.

It Support Levels

L0 Support

L0 support is the first line of help for those seeking IT support and customer service. At this level, users find the support they need by visiting the FAQ section of web pages, blog posts and forums, or by using the product’s user manual or technical documents. L0 support teams play a supportive role by monitoring forums for frustrations, updating product information and creating websites or apps.

L1 Support

Level 1 help desks are the first point at which a user can ask a professional for support. The goal of L1 support is to solve user issues quickly and efficiently, minimising expense and resource usage. L1 specialists often work from scripts to solve technical issues from service desks, escalating the issue to a higher tier if necessary.

L2 Support

L2 staff offer more in-depth support and can troubleshoot more complex issues than a level 1 help desk. In order to diagnose and resolve issues, L2 support specialists should have strong interpersonal skills, as well as a deep knowledge of the apps and hardware they are dealing with.  

L3 Support

Issues that reach L3 support specialists require the most advanced technical resources available to resolve. By attempting to duplicate the problem, L3 personnel can then work to resolve it with knowledge of the product design, internal code or specifications. An L3 support specialist may also have been the creator, architect or engineer who created the product in the first place.

L4 Support

While the first four tiers of support can be resolved by in-house teams in medium to large organisations, L4 help desks outsource the problem to a third party. L4 support specialists are usually vendors, suppliers or specialist service providers, who are contracted by an organisation to research and develop solutions to complex problems. 

Is IT Support a Good Career Transition for Professionals With a Customer Service Background?

Becoming an IT support specialist is a fulfilling and rewarding career path, combining technical expertise with the interpersonal skills you have already developed in your customer service roles. Browse Lumify Learn’s range of IT support courses to find one that will help you to upskill with the credentials you need to be hired for your first industry role.

How to Become an IT Support Specialist: A Transition Guide for Customer Service Professionals

If you are wondering how to become an IT support specialist and transition from your current customer service role, there are a number of ways of making the switch. Many roles now require candidates to hold a qualification in their specialisation, or one in a related field at the very least. Below, we have listed some other tips to help you transition to a new career path.

Acquire relevant certifications

The first step in transitioning to a career in IT support is to study a relevant certification, such as Lumify Learn’s Certificate III in IT. Studying one of these courses will prepare you with the technical and theoretical knowledge required to apply for entry-level positions. 

Start by applying for internships or entry-level positions

While you are studying for your certification, applying for internships will help you build practical experience and networking connections before you fully switch industries. As you near the end of your study, you can begin applying for L1 roles such as a Help Desk Technician or Technical Support Specialist.

Build technical skills through practice

Industry experience is paramount when entering the IT industry. Experimenting with and understanding how to use industry-specific tools will give you a competitive edge when applying for your first industry role. Many Lumify Learn courses enable you to work with industry professionals as part of your study plan.

Highlight transferable skills on your resume

As a customer service professional, you already have interpersonal and communication skills that will help you work with clients in the IT industry. Ensure your resume is updated to highlight these skills and any relevant professional experience you may have - you can use Huntr's AI resume builder to make this easier and more effective.

Build a professional network

Building your professional network is a crucial step in finding your next job. Between 60 and 80 percent of jobs in Australia are secured via the hidden job market, as a result of someone they know connecting them to a role.

Transition to IT Support With Lumify Learn

From Customer Support to IT Support Transition

If our steps outlining how to become an IT support specialist have you interested in transitioning from your current customer service role, the good news is that you already have many transferable skills that employers will be looking for. Your expertise in interpersonal communication will be highly sought after by employers looking to hire L1 and L2 IT support specialists.

A relevant qualification is one of the most important steps in your transition to a career as an IT support specialist. Studying one of Lumify Learn’s affordable online courses will equip you with the technical skills you need to begin applying for entry-level specialist roles in your field of choice. To find out more about whether IT support is a good career change for you, browse the available courses from Lumify Learn and find the one that equips you with the skills you need to make the transition.