1. Purpose
Lumify Learn, are committed to assisting all students to achieve their educational goals.
The RTOs provide a range of support services to domestic and international students enrolled in our courses, to enable progression through to completion. This Policy and Procedure outlines these services as well as how students may access them.
2. Responsibilities
The General Manager is responsible for ensuring this policy and procedure is implemented. The Compliance Coordinator is responsible for ensuring this policy is maintained and up to date in line with scheduled revisions. Managerial staff are responsible for ensuring their teams are up-to-date with this policy.
3. Scope
This policy covers all of Lumify Learn training and assessment services across all campuses and all training/academic, student services, and governance staff members.
4. Policy
Pre-enrolment, all students
Lumify Learn provide students with a range of support services as determined through a range of methods both pre- and post-enrolment. A Student Support List of services is made available to all students on the RTOs’ websites. This list is reviewed and updated on an annual basis, including through student feedback on the levels of satisfaction with the services outlined on the List. All RTOs ensure that they have support personnel available for incoming and enrolled students – contact information is available on the relevant RTO’s Student Support List.
All students are required to demonstrate a minimum level of core skills via test for entry into their chosen course through application of the LLN Assessment Tools (entry to Cert III, entry to Cert IV, entry to Dip). The identified core skill levels determined as required to enable strong study progress, are made available in the relevant course Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS). Support services for students deemed as capable of completing the course with assistance will be put in place where required. Students deemed as not at the required skill level will be referred to alternative training programs, including with alternative training providers where Lumify Learn do not have on scope a more suitable course.
Students will also self-identify any learning support needs via the Application and Enrolment Form, where they are able identify any potential barriers to training and assessment, including in line with the NCVER Disability Supplement definitions.
Upon completion of enrolment, and where it is identified that support services are required, Lumify Learn will provide the student with an Individual Learning Plan that sets out the services that will be provided, as well as outline the monitoring plan for trainers and assessors throughout the student journey.
This can include dependant on the individual’s circumstances and where it does not disadvantage other students:
study support and referral to study skills programs
language, literacy and numeracy (LL&N) programs or referrals to appropriate programs
equipment, resources and/or programs to increase access for students with disabilities
mediation services or referral to appropriate services
flexible scheduling and delivery of training and assessment
counselling services or referral to appropriate services
information technology support, and
learning materials in alternative formats i.e. large print.
Post-enrolment, all students
All students will have access to Lumify Learn staff throughout the duration of their enrolment, including training, and student services staff. Contact can be made through phone, email, website contact form, or by attending one of the campuses in person where appropriate.
Staff will ensure students have access to the full resources of their enrolled RTO to assist them in achieving the competency in all nationally recognised units of competency. In the event that students require support outside of the ability of the respective RTO, students will be provided with a list of academic and non-academic support services, which can be found below, and is also found in the Student Handbook. The list will always indicate where costs may be incurred for external support services.
The RTO’s Student Support Officer will assist students in accessing internal and/or sourcing the appropriate external service/s and notes are made in the student’s Individual Learning Plan, including review date. The Support Officer will brief the student’s trainer and assessor and ensure that they review the agreed student activities by the review date, in consultation with the student: further activities may be identified and in turn, the Individual Learning Plan is updated with agreed action and the process of briefing the trainer and assessor and reviewing action will continue.
Lumify Learn confirm that all student will have access to this support list, as well as access to student support services through the relevant Student Handbook. Students confirm that they have been provided with access to this Student Support Policy and the Student Support List, through acknowledgement recorded via the Student Information Declaration, Enrolment Form completed upon enrolment.
Student support may also take the form of reasonable adjustment.
All students (except for RPL assessment only students) participate in an induction, which outlines:
support services, both academic and non-academic
study assist programs, including those made available by Lumify Learn
relevant and local legal services
emergency and health services and details
complaints and appeals processes – also available in the Student Handbooks
student Code of Conduct, including participation, progression, and behavioral requirements, and
fair work information and contacts.
5. Related Documents
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Procedure
Application and Enrolment Form, including Enrolment and Information Sheet
Student Induction Checklist
LLN Assessment Tool and Marking Guide (Cert III)
LLN Assessment Tool and Marking Guide (Cert IV)
LLN Assessment Tool and Marking Guide (Dip)
Individual Learning Plan