1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline the approach taken by Lumify Learn to deliver high quality training and assessment to all its students and ensure responsiveness to industry and student requirements whilst meeting the full requirements of the qualifications and courses provided. It also outlines how the RTO supports each student to achieve competency, meaning the consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace, whilst also demonstrating the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.
2. Scope
This Policy and Procedure covers all of Lumify Learn training and assessment services across all campuses and all training/academic, student services, and governance staff members.
3. Responsibilities
The General Manager is responsible for ensuring this Policy and Procedure is implemented. The Compliance Coordinator is responsible for ensuring this Policy and Procedure is maintained and up to date in line with scheduled revisions. Managerial staff are responsible for ensuring their teams are up-to-date with this Policy and Procedure.
4. Policy and Procedure
Lumify Learn to:
offer consistent, best practice in education, training and assessment for all students
deliver training and assessment in accordance with the principles and parameters of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and nationally endorsed Training Packages
issue qualifications, skill-sets and statements of attainment are issued in accordance with the requirements of the AQF and qualification requirements specified in national Training Packages and/or State and federal funding contracts
offer innovative and industry responsive training, informed through its industry engagement activities, and
encourage continuous improvement in its vocational education and training (VET) and assessment practice.
Lumify Learn develop Training and Assessment Strategies (TASs) that relate to each of its Training Package qualifications on its scope of registration within the spirit of the regulatory authorities seeking to ensure that raising the quality of the training being delivered (including all training resources) and assessment being undertaken (including all assessment resources) is of a standard satisfactory to ensure the desired outcomes of training programs for students.
These TASs form the blueprint of Lumify Learn training & assessment services and provide for trainers and assessors, that deliver the RTO’s quality and student-centred focus.
Lumify Learn staff will review the range of resources and equipment as well as the additional resources available through Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System, in line with the training package requirements. This is undertaken through the completion of a qualification and course specific and contextualised delivery content.
Facility, Equipment & Physical Resources checks are scheduled over the course of a program to ensure that up-to-date specifications are provided for IT systems students require to access the student management system or for use throughout the learning and assessment process. Staff resources are also monitored to ensure system hardware and software is appropriate for effective online delivery.
Lumify Learn Scope of Registration
Lumify Learn is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and understands that they may only offer nationally accredited qualifications and units whilst they maintain an RTO status. Lumify Learn maintains a Scope of Registration Register which is a list of the training package qualifications, units of competency and accredited courses that Lumify Learn is registered to deliver. Lumify Learn monitor the status of its units and qualifications, as outlined in Condition 9 of the Australian Quality Training Framework's (AQTF), in particular against the expiry dates for accredited courses and qualifications as published on state Registers and the national training register, training.gov.au.
Lumify Learn will only submit an application to the Regulator upon consideration and confirmation of the need for the additional qualification by the General Manager, who will be informed by industry, student and government trends and advice.
Lumify Learn only offers subsidised places in units and qualifications specified in its Agreements with the QLD government (refer specific funded sections below)
Training & Assessment Strategies
In developing Training and Assessment Strategies (TASs), the RTO Manager ensures that:
students are consulted through initial course questionnaires and the opportunity to provide informal feedback at any stage
industry stakeholders are consulted to identify specific competency requirements through regular feedback mechanisms, Lumify Learn representation at industry forums and events and through membership of key national and state industry associations
client and industry feedback are used in the reviews of its training and assessment procedures through its validation of assessment material processes wherever possible
any prerequisites are incorporated into the delivery and assessment strategies, as required
the Volumes of Learning guidelines are considered and applied to all programs, and where the program duration may be shorter than the recommended timeframe, a clear rationale is presented including of the learner cohorts’ vocational backgrounds, their learning needs and circumstances, and how Lumify Learn will ensure the required rigour and depth of training so that the student may meet all of the competencies in the shorter timeframe. From time to time, this may include clustering of learning, with once again, a clear rationale for this methodology
the amount of training aligns with and satisfies the requirements established in Standard 1 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
Lumify Learn deliver nationally recognised training in line with the respective Scopes of Registration and in accordance with the requirements of the accredited course or endorsed national training package and consistent with purchasing guides, directions or policies issued by the regulators
independent assessment validations are completed prior to the roll out of any new or redesigned training programs, which may be through the assessment resource owners
Lumify Learn continuously reviews and improves its training products through a systematic validation of assessment schedule (refer to Validation of Assessment Policy and Procedure)
any reviewed training packages are implemented within the desired period
all training and assessment resources are labelled with the appropriate unit
TASs are reviewed at least annually or when there has been a change to any aspect of the training and assessment approach.
Training – Suitable and Sufficient Resources
Lumify Learn provides quality training to its students for all courses. This means:
ensuring that its staffing levels are always sufficient to deliver training that the RTO is obliged to deliver under the various state funding Service Agreements and in accordance with the Standards for RTOs (2015) (refer to various sections below)
having access to suitable resources, facilities and equipment to deliver all qualifications on Lumify Learn’s Scope of Registration. This includes access to learning aids, or simulated workplace documentation, policies, procedures and structures, that appropriately reflect a workplace that a student is likely to work in once qualified.
complying with the purchasing guides, directions and policies issued by ASQA and government funding bodies at all times
providing suitable educational and support services sufficient to meet the numbers of students enrolled with the RTO
providing training resources that are accessible to students regardless of their location
identifying the support that each individual student needs prior to their commencement or enrolment and providing access to the educational and support services necessary to meet these needs and course outcomes.
Sufficient and Qualified Trainers and Assessors
The Training Managers are responsible for ensuring that training and assessment are conducted by professional trainers and assessors who:
have vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed
possess current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided and current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment
continue to develop their Vocational Education and Training (VET) knowledge and skills as well as their industry currency and trainer/assessor competence.
This is demonstrated through the individual trainer and assessor’s Competency Training Matrix and accompanying evidence of professional development activity.
Student Focus
Lumify Learn have developed their own unique Student Experience Framework that supports the RTOs to deliver consistently high-quality training and related student focussed services to all, including ensuring that:
students are supported throughout their study and have clear information about how to access student support services
students are only enrolled in courses if these are suitable and appropriate to the student’s needs
students considering are aware of the minimum requirements to be able to participate in the course.
learning materials cover all aspects of a unit of competency and all necessary information to enable competency to be achieved
learning materials are accessible to a wide variety of students, including customisation to the target group/s
students are engaged in learning and monitored to ensure they continually progress through their course
students are assessed against all aspects of a unit of competency and practical skills are assessed using contemporary technology.
The Student Experience Framework and all related RTO documentation is managed by the Compliance Coordinator, with a schedule of internal audits that support maintenance of high quality training and assessment services in the spirit of continuous improvement (refer to Commitment to Quality Policy and Procedure). The Framework is segmented into:
and is underpinned by Quality.
Assessment means the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in a training package or VET accredited course. Lumify Learn have an assessment system that ensures assessment:
is conducted in accordance with the Rules of Evidence and the Principles of Assessment
is conducted in line with the requirements of the relevant Training Package
requires the student to demonstrate all of the skills and knowledge outlined in the components of the relevant unit of competency or module
requires the student to demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in a variety of situations, adapt to different contexts and environments and perform tasks to an appropriate level expected by a workplace
considers the students’ dimensions of competency when making all assessment decisions.
Where required to ensure no students are disadvantaged, assessors will make reasonable adjustments to assessment tasks or processes to accommodate individual needs (refer to Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure).
Assessment Documentation
Trainers and assessors are provided with assessment documentation for all units of competency which they have been assigned to deliver and/or assess, through Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System, an online learner management system. These documents include:
detailed instructions to the student about the tasks they must complete
benchmark answers and decision-making rules for the assessor
recording tools for the assessor
third party observation reports (where relevant)
mapping documents showing how the assessment tasks relate to the requirements of the unit of competency or module.
Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System also provides the trainers and assessors with access to marking guides with benchmark answers and decision making rules when assessing student submitted work. This includes validation of any Third Party Observation Report.
Assessment Submission and Feedback
Students must submit each task of their work through Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System, regardless of whether assessed in a classroom or an online environment. This learner management system supports authenticity through its automated and regular capturing of student images whilst the student is undertaking any activity through the system.
Written and theoretical tasks will be assessed by the designated trainer and assessor within 10 working days of submission by the student and results uploaded into the student management. Each task will be marked as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. A unit or module will be marked as Competent once all tasks for the unit or module have been marked as Satisfactory.
Students will receive detailed assessment feedback through Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System, with also system capacity to provide feedback to the trainer and assessor.
Where a task is marked as Not Satisfactory, the student will be provided with feedback and be given the opportunity to resubmit/re-attempt the task by their designated trainer and assessor. Students have up to three attempts per assessment task.
After three attempts whereby the student has not demonstrated sufficient levels of competency, the student will be informed by their designated trainer and assessor. Depending on the student’s engagement and motivation the trainer and assessor may, at their discretion, provide a further attempt, particularly if there are minor issues with the student’s assessment.
Students who after all attempts continue to not demonstrate sufficient levels of competency will be asked to re-enrol and a fee based on the amount of weeks it to redo the particular unit will be charged. For example, if 4 extra weeks are required to retrain and reassess over a 10 week unit/course, they will be charged 40% of the initial fee rate.
Assessment Extension
Sometimes students may need additional time to complete assessment tasks because of competing demands. It is the initial expectation that students submit their assessment tasks by the due dates as outlined in their Training Plan, however, sometimes students will need extensions.
If this is the case, in the first instance, an extension is automatically provided for assessment tasks as long as they are discussed with their trainer and assessor
Extensions beyond this period will only be granted on receipt of an appropriately completed Assessment Extension Request Form which is forwarded to the RTO Manager for consideration.
Special consideration is specifically intended to support students who experience circumstances that are:
short-term or immediate impact
adverse, and
Circumstance must significantly affect their ability to complete an assessment task to the best of the student’s potential and where a further extension is requested, it must be substantiated with evidence. The decision is at the RTO Manager’s discretion.
Assessment Appeals
Students have the right to make an appeal against an assessment decision or non-approval of an extension, by following Lumify Learn Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.
Students will not be victimised or discriminated against for seeking as review or appeal.
Recognition of Previous Study and/or Experiences
Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer services are offered to all students prior to or upon enrolment so that all students are provided with an opportunity to have existing skills and knowledge formally recognised. Lumify Learn has comprehensive RPL and Credit Transfer Policies and Procedures, which are available on its website as well as summarised in the Student Handbooks.
Third Party Delivery Partners
Lumify Learn has no third-party delivery arrangements.
A third-party arrangement must comply with all requirements as specified within Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. A business case must be provided to the General Manager, who may support such arrangements with recommendation for approval to the CEO. A formal third-party agreement must be developed that contains details of any such arrangements and clearly outlines the responsibilities of each organisation. Lumify Learn will retain all Quality Management responsibilities, including full audit prior to entering into an agreement and schedule monitoring audits on a quarterly basis to ensure all standards are upheld.
Student Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion
Students are expected to complete all assessments ethically: without plagiarism, collusion or cheating. Any students suspected of unethical behaviour will be managed through the disciplinary procedures which may require the student to attend disciplinary meetings, submit their assessment again, or for repeated acts may be asked to withdraw from the course. Refer to Student Code of Conduct. All students are clearly advised of this requirement through reference to their Student Handbooks, which they are asked to declare an understanding of and acceptance of all terms within, as part of their application and enrolment.
Acceptance of RPL Outcome and Gap Training
Any student opting for a RPL assessment and gap training service will receive an Acceptance of PRL Outcome notification, which outlines the details of the additional units of competency required to be undertaken to receive a full qualification.
Evidence of Participation
Lumify Learn ensures that authenticated Evidence of Participation is collected for each unit of competency, predominantly through Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System. Each piece of Evidence of Participation includes the student’s name or identification number, unit of competency or module details and a date, in line with the Student Records Management Policy & Procedure. Trainers and assessors interact with students via webcam and verify authenticity of assessment submissions, which are also submitted under declaration by the student that the assessment is their own work.
Lumify Learn collects the following Evidence of Participation through Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System:
assessment evidence containing student name, unit of competency/module, date and signature, and/or
trainer and/or assessor notes based on personal interviews, telephone, e-mail, or other communication modes on the engagement of a student in learning and/or assessment activity of the unit of competency or module, especially for RPL and third party observational activities, and/or
records of participation in online virtual delivery training sessions.
Feedback and Improvements
Lumify Learn collects feedback about its training and assessment practices and systems from students, trainers and assessors and other staff and industry. Feedback is collected regularly, collated and analysed in order to bring about improvements. Refer to the Commitment to Quality and Feedback Policies and Procedures for further details.
Evidence of Assessment
full and complete assessment instruments through Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System in accordance with:
methods of assessment
unit of competency requirements (e.g. range of assessment and number of assessments)
Lumify Learn marking guides
assessment instruments have been assessed (marked), signed and dated by the responsible assessor
assessment instruments have been signed and dated by the student acknowledging the outcome of the assessment process.
In order to substantiate a judgement of competency, the assessment evidence for practical skills observation always include:
clear detail regarding the task or activity that the student is required to do (i.e. contextualisation)
a record of the skills and behaviours the workplace supervisor* and/or assessor observed the student demonstrating as relevant to the unit of competency requirements and individualised to the student.
*Where it is not possible for an assessor to directly observe the student in the ordinary course of training and assessing, the use of third parties to collect supplementary assessment evidence may be used. Collection of supplementary evidence includes sufficient evidence as to how the final assessor judgement of competency was made. When supplementary evidence is presented as having contributed to the outcome, documented evidence of the arrangements with the third party, and the circumstances surrounding the observation will be documented in a third-party report and retained within student assessment evidence.
Lumify Learn has a full and complete Marking Guide with benchmark Answers for each unit of competency aligning to each method of assessment as nominated in the funded program Training and Assessment Strategy, which is stored in Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System.
Evidence Collection
Lumify Learn retains assessment evidence within the Lumify Learn’s Learner Management System. Information and material necessary to provide a complete record of training and assessment including:
records of each student’s participation in training and assessment for each unit of competency, including records of the commencement of education content, attendance and progression
for each unit of competency, for each student:
the assessor’s completed marking guide, criteria and observation checklists for the unit of competency
the completed assessment items for the unit of competency
5. Related Documents
Meeting Legislative and Regulatory Requirements Policy
Master Register policies & procedures, documents
Marketing policy
Application and enrolment Policy
Validation of assessment Policy