This policy is provided on behalf of the RTO, Lumify Learn and outlines Lumify Learn's commitment to manage the transition and teach out arrangements so that only currently endorsed Training Packages or Accredited Courses are delivered / assessed. It is a condition of registration that an Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Registered Training Organisation (RTO) must comply with any General Directions issued by ASQA under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (the Standards for RTOs 2015) found in https://www.legislation.gov.au/Series/F2014L01377 .
This qualification transition policy:
Outlines the process to manage transitions for courses that have been superseded on the training register.
Communicates the actions and activities required by staff to support course transitions.
The policy applies to all staff, contractors, and other personnel employed with Lumify Learn, where relevant.
For the purposes of this policy, it is determined that the Transition Start Date of a superseded or removed qualification or unit of competency is equivalent to the Release Date of the new qualification.
The requirements outlined in this policy do not apply where a training package requires the delivery of a superseded unit of competency as specified within the Qualification Descriptor and packaging rules.
Teach-out was a term used in earlier ASQA General Directions to describe the timeframe after a training product has been superseded, removed or deleted from the National Register, i.e. expiry of the transition period. Please note that while this term has been used by ASQA in the past, it is not a feature of the Standards for RTOs 2015.
Transition period is the term used where a training product has been superseded, removed or deleted from the National Register. This time is provided to support a learner’s training, assessment, and issuance during this time. All activity must be completed and the learner transitioned into the replacement training product, before the end date, typically being 12 months from the date that the course was superseded, unless where an extension has been granted by ASQA.
The principles that apply to qualification transition and will be adhered to by Lumify Learn staff, are:
Where a training product is superseded, all students’ training and assessment will be monitored for completion and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued prior to the conclusion of the teach-out period.
Where students are legitimately unable to complete or disadvantaged by not transferring to newly released qualification, students will be transferred into its replacement, within a period of one year from the date the replacement training product was released on the National Register.
Where an AQF qualification is no longer current and has not been superseded, all students’ training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within a period of two years from the date the AQF qualification was removed or deleted from the National Register.
Where a skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module is no longer current and has not been superseded, all students’ training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within a period of one year from the date the skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module was removed or deleted from the National Register.
A new student will not commence training and assessment in a training product that has been removed or deleted from the National Register.
Lumify Learn will, at all times, comply with ASQA’s General Direction - Learner Transition (https://www.asqa.gov.au/news-publications/publications/general-directions/learner-transition.html)
In accordance with the provisions of Clause 1.26 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (the Standards for RTOs 2015), Lumify Learn will advise students as soon as practicable, all information that impacts their current studies where transition and teach-out arrangements need to be applied.
All documentation from the transition of courses process are maintained in accordance with Records Management Policy.
Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
General Direction – Learner Transition
Application and enrolment Policy
Application and Enrolment Procedure
Quality training and assessment system policy
Student transition plan template
Transitioning students communication template (letter 1)
Transitioning students communication template (letter 2)