1. Purpose
The Unique Student Identifier (USI) has been introduced to provide a nation-wide database for applicants/students to record and track all vocational education and training (VET) programs completed since 1 January 2015. This Policy ensures that Lumify Learn obligations and responsibilities under the Privacy Act and Student Identifiers Act 2014, and any amendments, are met, and that all related data provision of applicants/students’ USIs are also met.
2. Scope
This Policy and Procedure covers all of Lumify Learn training and assessment services across all campuses and all training/academic, student services, and governance staff members.
3. Responsibilities
The General Manager is responsible for ensuring this Policy and Procedure is implemented. The Compliance Coordinator is responsible for ensuring this Policy and Procedure is maintained and up to date in line with scheduled revisions. Managerial staff are responsible for ensuring their teams are up-to-date with this Policy and Procedure.
4. Policy and Procedure
Lumify Learn are committed to the implementation of the national requirements for the USI, which it has undertaken since 1 January 2015. Before Lumify Learn can issue certification or a Statement of Attainment, it ensures that it has obtained a valid USI for each student.
Best practice ensures that Lumify Learn vigorously attempt to obtain/create an applicant/student’s USI prior to them enrolling to confirm the applicant/student’s USI details as soon as the course commences. This includes for all enrolments.
This is actioned by one of three ways, Lumify Learn will:
verify a USI an applicant/student provides
create a USI on behalf of the applicant/student (with their permission), or
locate the applicant/student’s USI for them (if they have forgotten or misplaced this information).
In accordance with Section 11 of the Student Identifiers Act 2014, Lumify Learn will securely destroy personal information which is collected from individuals solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on their behalf as soon as practicable after the application or the information is no longer needed for that purpose, unless required by law to retain it.
Applicants/students without a Unique Student Identifier (USI) requesting that Lumify Learn applies for a USI on their behalf are advised that Lumify Learn will provide personal information about themselves to the USI Registrar. Further information regarding applicant/students’ privacy rights is located in the USI Privacy Notice, which is made available on the RTOs’ websites, with applicants and students referred to it through Lumify Learn application and enrolment procedures.
USI Information
Lumify Learn ensure all applicants/students receive access to the departmentally issued USI Fact Sheet as part of Lumify Learn application/enrolment processes, made available on the RTO’s website.
As part of this process, Lumify Learn collect existing USIs, support applicants/students to update existing USI details, where required and create a USI where not currently in place.
Applicants/students with a USI
Applicants/students who already have a USI will be required to provide this 10-character number (which is made up of a combination of 10 capital letters and numbers unique to each applicant/student) at the time of enrolment (as per the Lumify Learn Application & Enrolment Forms). This USI is recorded into the student management systems.
Creating a USI on behalf of an applicant/student
If the applicant/student doesn’t already have a USI, Lumify Learn will apply for one on their behalf, with the person’s permission. To do this, Lumify Learn use the following information of the applicant/student:
name, including first or given name(s), middle name(s) and surname or family name as they appear in an identification document
date of birth, as it appears, if shown, in the chosen document of identity
city or town of birth
country of birth
This information has already been collected in the Application & Enrolment Form.
Locating the applicant/student’s USI in the USI Registry
For those applicants/students who believe they already have a USI (but can’t recall what it is), Lumify Learn will use the student management system’s functionality to locate it on the applicant/student’s behalf.
The following fields are entered into Student management systems (AXcelerate for Lumify Learn for students) and are checked that they exactly match the details on the USI Registry:
full name (single or multiple names)
date of birth
country of birth, and
town/city of birth.
In addition, at least one of the following contact details is entered in Student management systems (AXcelerate for Lumify Learn) and checked that it exactly matches the details on the USI Registry:
email address
mobile phone number
home phone number, and
postal address.
If the applicant/student has changed address, contact details or name since initially registering for their USI, this function will not work and Lumify Learn will instruct the applicant/student to contact the USI Registry directly to obtain it. They can do this by calling the USI Helpline on 1300 857 536 or emailing [email protected]
For those Applicants/students who have matching information, Lumify Learn will:
click through to the last page of the Personal Details Wizard in Student management systems (AXcelerate for Lumify Learn students).
check the box “Update client contact details in the USI Registry” and select “Finish”.
to ensure updates have been made simply go back to the applicant/student's Personal Details and right-hand click “Edit client”. Select the “Verify now” Button and the USI search should bring up a “valid” USI.
Change of Surname Process
Occasionally Lumify Learn will come across an applicant/student who requires a change of surname, eg. in the instance of a marriage or divorce. The process that needs to be followed will depend on the form of identification the applicant/student provides to make the change.
For Applicants/Students who have Supporting Documentation:
Lumify Learn will ask the applicant/student to log into their USI account and edit their contact details. When changing their surname, they will be prompted to supply a supporting form of ID – just as they would when registering the first time around (i.e. supplying Licence, Medicare Card, Passport etc. which supports their name change). To do this they will need to have the supporting documentation with them.
To ensure this has worked correctly and the changes have been saved, Lumify Learn will log into the student management system, select the “Verify now” button in the Client Wizard and the USI search should return as “valid”.
Notes are made in Student management systems (AXcelerate for Lumify Learn) with the date USI was changed and previous SURNAME.
2. For Applicants/Students who only has a Marriage Certificate:
The applicant/student will need to email the USI Registry ([email protected]) with Subject Line: “Change of Family Name” and request that their surname is changed. They will need to attach a copy of their Marriage Certificate to the email.
The USI Registry will call the applicant/student to confirm details and update their system accordingly.
Applicant/student are instructed to notify Lumify Learn once their details have been updated with the USI Registry.
Lumify Learn will verify changes have been made to USI in Student management systems
Notes are to be made in Student management systems (AXcelerate for Insert RTO students) with the date USI was changed and previous SURNAME.
3. If Applicants/Students have No Supporting Documentation:
The applicant/student cannot update their USI details without supporting documentation and is instructed to contact the USI Registry.
‘Deactivated’ USI Accounts
A “Deactivated” USI is the result of an applicant/student accidentally registering for two USI’s and one being cancelled. When a USI is cancelled it will show up in Student management systems (aXcelerate for Lumify Learn students) as “deactivated” (as per below).
Once this cancellation has been actioned by the USI Registry, an email/text or letter is sent to the applicant/student (depending on the contact method they selected when registering initially) with the correct USI. Lumify Learn will obtain the correct information from the applicant/student and updated accordingly in Student management systems (AXcelerate for Lumify Learn students).
A note in the notes section of Student management systems (AXcelerate for Lumify Learn students) is made which includes the applicant/student’s previous USI, the date it was updated and the Lumify Learn officer’s initials.
Applicant/Student Privacy Notice
When Lumify Learn applies for a USI on behalf of an applicant/student, the USI Registrar will verify the applicant/student’s identity using the information that has been provided. The USI Registrar will do so through the Document Verification Service (DVS) managed by the Attorney-General's Department which is built into the USI online application process.
If an applicant/student does not have a document suitable for the DVS and Lumify Learn is authorised to do so by the USI Registrar, Lumify Learn may be able to verify their identity by other means. If the applicant/student does not have any of the identity documents required and Lumify Learn is not authorised by the USI Registrar to verify the applicant/student’s identity by other means, under no circumstances will Lumify Learn apply for a USI on the applicant/student’s behalf and the applicant/applicant/student will be directed to contact the Student Identifiers Registrar directly.
The personal information about the applicant/applicant/student that is provided to the USI Registrar, including their identity information, is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 Cth (Privacy Act). The collection, use and disclosure of any applicant/student’s USI is protected by the SI Act.
If an applicant/student asks Lumify Learn to make an application for an applicant/student identifier on their behalf, Lumify Learn declares that Lumify Learn has complied with certain terms and conditions to be able to access the online applicant/student identifier portal and submit the application, including a declaration that Lumify Learn has given the applicant/student a copy of the USI Privacy Notice.
Applicant/Student does not want to Register for a USI
Should an applicant/student resist registering for a USI and has advised Lumify Learn of their position, Lumify Learn will immediately refer the applicant/student to the USI Registry so that they may be considered for a Special Exemption.
This practice will not be encouraged by Lumify Learn and the applicant/student will be briefed of the government requirement as well as benefit of registering for a USI. Lumify Learn will also advise of its obligation to not issue an AQF certification documentation to any student that does not hold a USI or has successfully gained an exemption from the USI Register and provides proof of this decision.
5. Related Documents
USI Fact Sheet (Government Issued)
USI Privacy Notice (Government Issued)
Application and Enrolment Forms