Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure

1. Purpose

This Procedure is in place to inform students and staff of Lumify Learn, of the requirements for applying for and being awarded Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for any nationally recognised qualification or unit of competency (unit) offered.

2. Responsibilities

The General Manager is responsible for ensuring this Procedure is implemented. The Compliance Coordinator is responsible for ensuring this Procedure is maintained and up to date in line with scheduled revisions. Managerial staff are responsible for ensuring their teams are up-to-date with this Procedure.

3. Scope

This Procedure covers all of Lumify Learn training and assessment services across all campuses and all training/academic, student services, and governance staff members.

4. Procedure

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) involves the assessment of the previously unrecognised skills and knowledge an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system. RPL is an assessment process (rather than a training process) in which the individual’s formal, non-formal and informal learning is assessed. This assessment determines the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes or standards for entry to, and / or partial or total completion of a program of study.

In order to grant RPL, Lumify Learn assessors determine whether the RPL student is currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards or outcomes specified in Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited qualifications and courses, through application of a range of assessment strategies.

Lumify Learn appreciate the value of workplace and industry experience and recognises that students will acquire vocational skills and knowledge from a variety of sources other than formal training. These skills are legitimate irrespective of how they were acquired and the RPL process is designed to provide validation of such relevant skills, without the need to repeat this learning should RPL be granted.

Initial Interest and Pre-Qualify Determination – Students Opting for RPL assessment and Gap Training Service:

Lumify Learn offers RPL services to existing employees, as an assessment only pathway. General applicants may enquire about the RTOs’ RPL services through the RTOs’ websites, initially completing an application for enrolment. This triggers contact by one of the RTOs’ Course Advisors, who will undertake an informal ‘pre-qualify’ determination of the applicant, consisting of eligibility based on the qualifications and range of units available through the RTOs’ scope of registration and confirmation of the applicant’s previous work experiences, in a workplace and other environments.

In conducting the assessment, where the required competencies cannot be validated, the assessor will advise the student of any gap training that is required to fulfil all the Training Package requirements, through an Acceptance of RPL Outcome Notification, which outlines details of the additional units of competency required to be completed in order to complete the full qualification.

In addition, enrolling students who believe they have already obtained current skills and knowledge that would otherwise be covered in the qualification/unit of competence for which they intend to study, or where these skills and knowledge is identified by a trainer and assessor, will be encouraged to apply for RPL at the time of enrolment. Reference to RPL services is made available to the students through the Application and Enrolment Information Sheet, the Application and Enrolment Form and the Student Handbooks.

When relevant, trainers and assessors will also remind students of this option progressively throughout their time in training, in order to provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in the RPL process.

Students who have completed a nationally recognised qualification/unit that have the exact same code as a unit currently enrolled/enrolling within will be eligible for credit transfer for the particular unit(s) and will be referred to the RTOs’ Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure.


All applicants for RPL consideration, must have 3+ years of experience in the Information Technology industry and/or may draw on other equivalent experiences. This is tested through verification of the range of evidence submitted by the applicant, including former places of work.

Enrolling in RPL Assessment Services – not enrolled in another Course:

When approached by a student seeking RPL assessment services, the staff member, usually the Course Adviser, will:

  • refer the student to the RPL Candidates’ Information on Lumify Learn website

  • check that the qualification is available on Lumify Learn scope of registration

  • issue the relevant qualification/unit RPL Assessment Template

  • provide the student with information about the types of evidence that can be used to support an RPL application

  • discuss the payment fees (refer to Fees and Charges List on website and in the relevant Course Brochures)

  • confirm timeframe of no more than 12 months to submit their completed RPL Assessment Template and accompanying evidence

  • enrol the student using the Application and Enrolment Form (RPL), with an accompanying up-front payment invoice.

The Course Advisor will be connected with a trainer and assessor who will make contact with the student within the 3 working days to commence the RPL assessment procedure.

Undertaking RPL Services - Principles:

Lumify Learn acknowledge and ensure that the same rules and evidence and assessment principles as for all other assessment activities are adhered to in their delivery of RPL services. RPL services are always conducted with the same rigour as any other form of assessment and Lumify LearnRPL training product material is developed to align with the packaging rules of the relevant qualification.

The RPL student is required to collect sufficient and documented evidence of prior competency experiences and ensure that these are listed as evidence which is to be considered in the decision to grant RPL. This usually will include, but is not limited to, the provision of:

  • documented self-appraisal of skills and knowledge

  • a record of experience relevant to the intended qualification such as a resume

  • evidence in the form of at least two Third Party Reports from previous employers (the Reference Testimonials) - the Assessor will make contact to validate the information provided and/or require further detail

  • evidence in the form of prior qualifications (that may be redundant due to currency)

  • where applicable and in accordance with the unit of competency requirements, challenge test/s (including practical and knowledge tests) addressing the elements and performance criteria of the unit, and the skills required as a minimum in the relevant qualification

  • for students who may not have access to previous employer/s, the required documented competency conversation (refer below) can also be provided from the student’s current employer. Alternatively, justification evidence can be obtained in the form of a referee testimonial from someone with the relevant industry, such as a business associate, or from otherevidence like customer reviews. The person providing the evidence must be independent and able to provide unbiased judgement of the RPL applicant’s workplace performance

  • for self-employed students, RPL evidence is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In these instances, the assessor will retain justification evidence in the form of a referee testimonial from someone within the relevant industry, such as a business associate, or from other evidence like customer reviews. The person providing the evidence must be independent and able to provide unbiased judgement of the RPL applicant’s workplace performance.

All employment evidence is verified by the assessor as part of the RPL service, in relation to the authenticity of employment and detailed the industry experience of, and qualifications held by, the letters’ authors.

A competency conversation, led by the trainer and assessor, is held with the student as a critical assessment strategy and is recorded in the RPL Assessor Record documentation.

Outcome of the RPL Service:

Written advice of the outcome will be forwarded to the applicant/student within 3 days of the final RPL decision.

The RPL Assessor Record is the RTOs’ primary document that maps key requirements of the qualification/unit of competency and includes identification of critical aspects of evidence and the required skills and knowledge for units claimed. The Record lists the range of valid assessment evidence which is required to be considered in the decision to grant RPL for the student and links it to the relevant unit requirements.

Should the assessor deem that the student satisfies all the qualification/unit requirements, as outlined in the qualification specific RPL Assessor Record, he/she will:

  • make the appropriate adjustments to the student’s planned training schedule.

  • advise the Training Manager so that full recognition is granted and the appropriate recording is made within aXcelerate, the student management system and that a review of the fees and charges is made, with a refund organised if required

  • store the student’s completed Skills Assessment Form and accompanying evidence on the designated RPL student file.

Should the assessor deem that the student does not fully satisfy all the qualification/unit requirements, as outlined in the qualification specific RPL Assessor Record, he/she will initially request further evidence to be assessed, and should that remain insufficient:

  • recommend gap training and/or confirm the original training schedule

  • advise the Training Manager so that the appropriate recording is made within aXcelerate, the student management system

  • ensure the documents are stored on the designated RPL student file.

  • advise the student of the RTOs’ Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.

Lumify Learntake care to ensure that the sequence of any gap training and assessment and the RPL are in accordance with unit of competency requirements, whereby RPL is not granted for competencies where the RTO provides training and assessment for the underpinning pre-requisite(s).

5. Related Documents

Application and Enrolment Form

Assessment Policy

Complaints and Appeals Form

RPL Course Brochures (customised for each qualification)

RPL Kit (customised for each qualification)

RPL Assessor Record (customised for each qualification)
