This policy is provided on behalf of the RTO, Lumify Learn and outlines Lumify Learn commitment to providing a safe and caring online environment and culture which enables positive relationships to be formed amongst all students and staff and which encourages self-esteem, cooperation, personal growth and a positive attitude to learning.
This bullying and harassment policy:
Is committed to provide an environment where no form of bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
Outlines clear definitions of what is and what is not bullying and harassment.
Communicates clear procedures for everyone to report incidents of bullying.
Ensures that all reported incidents of bullying are followed up and that support is given to any person who has been affected by, engaged in or witnessed bullying behaviour
The policy applies to all staff, contractors, and other personnel employed with Lumify Learn, where relevant as well as students enrolled with Lumify Learn.
Bullying – an ongoing pattern of unacceptable behaviour by a person or group targeted towards a group or individual in order to harm, intimidate or coerce and which poses a risk to their health or safety.
Types of bullying:
Physical bullying – e.g., hitting, tripping, inflicting pain or damaging property.
Verbal bullying – e.g., name calling, insults, homophobic or racist remarks, verbal abuse or harassment in the online student forum.
Emotional Bullying – is used to cause humiliation or damage someone’s reputation (e.g., socially excluding, intentionally embarrassing, making unfounded allegations in order to damage reputation, threatening and tormenting others).
Cyber Bullying – using an electronic device or social platform to bully and harass another individual.
Harassment – any behaviour that is offensive, unwelcome or threatening whether it be verbal, non-verbal, implicit or explicit.
Behaviour not considered bullying:
Mutual disagreements – an argument or mutual conflict between two parties where neither side is disadvantaged or powerless.
Social rejection – as long as there is no repeated behaviour directed toward a group or individual in order to cause harm, exclude or encourage others to dislike an individual or group, then it would not be considered bullying.
Single or random acts of unacceptable behaviour – when there is a single act of aggression, intimidation or abuse targeted towards an individual, this would not be considered bullying.
The principles that apply to bullying and harassment and will be adhered to by Lumify Learn staff are:
On commencement of employment or enrolment with Lumify Learn, all staff and students will be made aware of the bullying and harassment policy and will be required to adhere to it.
All staff will work together to provide a safe environment and ensure the safety of all staff and students in situations where bullying, including cyberbullying, and harassment occur by taking all allegations of bullying seriously.
Expectations are held of staff and students to act in responsible, respectful ways to promote a safe learning environment.
To assist anyone experiencing any form of bullying or harassment and take reasonable actions in order to protect them from further situations where bullying or harassment could take place.
To inform all parties affected by bullying and harassment and take prompt action to deal with these matters.
If staff believes a student is at imminent risk of bullying (including cyberbullying) it is their professional responsibility to document the incident and communicate this information to the appropriate person to ensure that support can be provided.
There will be disciplinary actions taken which include a range of approaches for those who are found to be in breach of the bullying and harassment policy.
Will act in a respectful and responsible way during all interactions with other staff and students.
Will provide a safe and secure learning environment.
Will take all allegations of bullying or harassment seriously, document the incidents appropriately and take prompt action to support the party/parties involved in the incident
Will keep informed of current strategies and issues surrounding bullying and harassment and how to deal with it effectively.
Will where necessary pass on information to relevant parties to provide support in order to seek resolution.
All documentation relating to bullying and harassment are maintained in accordance with Records Management Policy.
Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cwth)
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cwth)
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwth)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwth)
Privacy Act 1998 (Cwth)
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cwth)
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cwth)
Complains and Appeals Procedure
Compliance with all relevant legislation
9. Related Documents
Breach of Code of Conduct Letter Template
Incident Management Procedure
Incident Report Form
Incident Register
Continuous Improvement Register
QA-POL-23 Bullying-and-Harassment-Policy