Application and Enrolment Policy

1. Purpose

Lumify Learn have prepared this Policy to inform admission into all programs offered by the RTO and seeks to ensure that all students are responsibly recruited, correctly enrolled in appropriate course/s in line with their individual needs, and that accurate application and enrolment records are maintained and reported as required. The RTO also ensures that the processing of applications from potential students is equitable, fair and in line with the requirements laid down for each qualification and all legislative and funding requirements for which the applicant is applying.

2. Scope

This Policy covers all Lumify Learn training and assessment services and all training/academic, student services, and governance staff members.

3. Responsibilities

The General Manager is responsible for ensuring this Policy is implemented. The Compliance Coordinator is responsible for ensuring this Policy is maintained and up to date in line with scheduled revisions. Managerial staff are responsible for ensuring their teams are up-to-date with this Policy and Procedure.

4. Policy

The processes for the selection and admission of all students are governed by the following overarching principles:

  • access and equity

  • fairness

  • consistency

  • transparency

  • timeliness, and

  • merit.

Through the application and enrolment process, Lumify Learn ensures that all students:

  • have the ability to communicate effectively in English at the determined suitable level for the course

  • have the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) at the determined suitable level for the course

  • understand employment pathways or opportunities the activity, such as RPL, and/or course can lead to, employer expectations and working conditions in this field of employment

  • understand industry or regulatory requirements, such as minimum age or police checks and hold these as relevant, and

  • have an aptitude for learning.

Lumify Learn will always ascertain the most suitable qualification for the applicant, based on:

  • the individual’s existing educational attainment, capabilities, aspirations and interests

  • the individual’s relevant work history and present employment

  • due consideration of the likely job outcomes, participation and/or further study opportunities from the development of new competencies and skills

  • minimising duplication of the individual’s existing competencies, and

  • meeting the individual’s needs.

Lumify Learn will always ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for that individual, based on:

  • providing reasonable and accessible support to facilitate the individual’s participation in training and attainment of skills to meet the individual’s needs and for the individual to consolidate skills and produce job-ready competencies, and

  • where the proposed learning and/or assessment includes online, identify the individual’s digital capability, including access to necessary technology, and where necessary identify steps to overcome any barriers in this regard.

Lumify Learn will always ensure students understand course expectations, student responsibilities as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, methods of delivery, full cost of the course, additional expenses, location of the course and attendance requirements.

No cold calling is undertaken by any staff member at any RTO to attract applicants at any time.

Selection through Word of Mouth and Student/Employer Satisfaction:

Lumify Learn provides no bonuses, inducements or benefits to any student that has a connection, whether directly or indirectly, with the number of students who are identified as suitable and eligible and elect to enrol in a Lumify Learn course.

Information to Applicants to make an Informed Decision:

All applicants are provided with sufficient information on Lumify Learn courses, facilities, support services, relevant policies and procedures, fees and related payment options and arrangements and if applicable, the impact of accepting a government funded place in order to make an informed decision. This is through the designated Course Advisers for applicants.

Student Selection:

All applicants complete an Application and Enrolment Form, which must be signed and dated by the student as an acknowledgement of both an understanding of and acceptance of the terms and conditions of the RTO. All documentary evidence must be provided in English, and where instructed through the Application and Enrolment Form.

In accordance with the RTOs’ USI Policy and Procedure, all students must include a Unique Student Identifier (USI) on their Application and Enrolment Form, under the guidance of the USI Fact Sheet and Privacy Statement, made available on the RTOs’ websites.

Enrolment and admission into some training programs is subject to meeting certain prerequisite conditions and/or entry requirements, as outlined in the relevant qualification Training and Assessment Strategy and related Course Brochures. In the case that a potential student does not meet the prerequisite conditions and/or entry requirements, assigned staff will endeavour to assist them in understanding their options, including undertaking prerequisite units at Lumify Learn or an alternative training provider or referring the applicant to an alternative program where a lack of suitability and/or readiness has been identified for their preferred course.

Reasonable Adjustments:

Lumify Learn provides equitable access to all required educational and support services, so that no student is disadvantaged regardless of their mode of study or location. In assessing whether an adjustment to the course of the course or program in which the student is enrolled, or proposes to be enrolled, is reasonable, Lumify Learn is entitled to maintain the academic requirements of the course or program, and other requirements or components that are inherent in or essential to its nature.

This is as applicable for full qualification courses as it is for short courses.

Refer to Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure for further detail.

Credit Transfer & Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

For all students not applying directly for an RPL service, Lumify Learn ensures these students are not required to repeat any unit or module in which they have already been assessed as competent, unless a regulatory requirement or license condition (including industry licensing schemes) requires this.

For all students applying directly for an RPL service, Lumify Learn has a ‘pre-qualify determination’ of eligibility procedure in place, to ensure that this is the most appropriate assessment mode for the applicant.

Refer to the Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policies and Procedures for further detail.

Student Privacy including Information:

All Lumify Learn students are covered under the RTOs’ stringent Privacy Policy and Procedure, which governs the way that the RTOs collect and use student information. This includes information obtained through the application and enrolment process, with the students referred to the NCVER issued Privacy Notice and the RTOs’ Privacy Policy and Procedure as part of the application process and are required to acknowledge that they have read and understand it through the Student Declaration in the Application and Enrolment Form.

All RTOs inform incoming students about use of their images and comments/testimonials for marketing purposes and seek permission through the Application and Enrolment Form. Students have the right to refuse, and it will be noted initially on the Application and Enrolment Form and in turn, on their student files.


The enrolment procedure commences when a student has been determined as eligible, suitable and is ready to commit to the RTOs’ study and general requirements. All students are informed of their successful application and are invited to enrol.

All enrolled students will be notified of any changes to delivery location or deliver arrangements at least 20 days prior to course commencement.

5. Related Documents

Application and Enrolment Form

USI Notices (government issued)

Student Handbook

Student Code of Conduct

Student Enrolment Agreement

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Procedure

Contact Unsubscribe Form

RPL Application and Credit Transfer Form

Reasonable Adjustment Policy

RPL Procedure

Credit Transfer Procedure

Schedule of Fees

LLN Assessment Tool and Marking Guide

Individual Learning Plan

NCVER Privacy Notice (government issued)

Course Brochures (customised)
