
The trainers and staff of Lumify Learn strive to provide you with the opportunity to study, learn and develop skills in a safe and supportive environment.

When you enrol, you agree to adhere to the policies and procedures of Lumify Learn. You also agree to behave in an appropriate and acceptable manner.

All students and trainers have rights and responsibilities.

These rights and responsibilities cover a range of areas so you are encouraged to read them carefully. Some are described in more detail below.


Discrimination means treating someone less favourably because they happen to belong to a particular group of people. Many types of discrimination are against the law. It is unlawful to discriminate against people on the grounds of:

  • age (including compulsory retirement)

  • carers’ responsibilities (caring for or supporting a child or other immediate family member)

  • disability (including infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS)

  • homosexuality (gay or lesbian or someone thinks you are gay or lesbian)

  • marital status

  • race (including colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or nationality)

  • sex (including sexual harassment or pregnancy)

  • transgender (transsexual) status

  • who you are related to or who you associate with.

You can access information about this legislation from the following sites:

Human rights and anti-discrimination – Australian Government
Australian Human Rights Commission


The Copyright Act 1968 is an Act relating to copyright and the protection of certain performances, and for other purposes. As a student, you must be very aware of copyright legislation, your work needs to be your own. You must only copy materials when you have appropriate permission. If in doubt, please talk to your trainer.

For more information: Click here

Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (all states) gives you the right to access many documents held by most government agencies. Under the Act you are also able to ensure that records held concerning your personal affairs are not incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading.

For more information: Click here

Privacy and personal information

When you enroll with Lumify Learn, the collection, storage, use and disclosure of the personal information you provide is protected under the Privacy Act 1998.

For more information: Click here

Federal - Australian Privacy Principles
ACT - Information Privacy Act 2014 (ACT)
QLD - Information Privacy Act 2009
NSW - Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW)
SA - Has issued an administrative instruction requiring its Government Agencies to generally comply with a set of Information Privacy Principles
TAS - Information and Protection Act 2004
WA - The state public sector in Western Australia does not currently have a legislative privacy regime
VIC - Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
NT - Information Act (NT)

Any information we ask you to provide will only be that which is necessary for the purposes of your course enrollment, learning and study records. We are obliged to tell you the purpose of collecting personal information, who receives this information and where it is held. We protect your personal and private information and will not disclose it without your approval. We also allow you to access your information and make corrections if necessary. For all State and Commonwealth funded courses we share your information with the relevant government department this is called AVETMISS data. Ask your trainer if you would like more information about this.

Protection of children and young people

In line with Government legislation, Lumify Learn is committed to promoting the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people (defined legally as people under 18 years of age) whether they are students, apprentices or trainees in schools and workplaces. Lumify Learn team members are required, by law and/or by departmental policy, to report children and young people suspected to be at risk of harm.

For more information, refer to the Lumify Learn Student Protection Policy or visit these web sites:

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a Government initiative to allow students to have full access to their training history, and provides data for Government to target the skills that industry needs.

In line with Government legislation, Evocca cannot issue any Qualifications, or Statement of Attainments, to students who do not supply a USI number. Students will be asked to supply their USI upon enrolment.

Creating a USI is free and easy. Please see this link for step by step instructions www.usi.gov.au

Workplace health and safety

We all have a duty to act in a safe and healthy manner within the workplace and also in the training environment.

To help us provide a safe environment for all staff and students, workplace health and safety legislation also reinforces your duty to take reasonable care for the health and safety of others. You must not interfere with or misuse anything provided for you in the interest of health and safety. You should report any safety issues or concerns to your trainer as soon as possible.

For further information about occupational health and safety visit these web sites:

Federal - Safe Work Australia
ACT - Work Safe ACT
NSW - Work Cover
NT - Work Safe NT
QLD - Work Safe QLD
SA - Safe Work SA
TAS - Work Safe TAS
VIC - Work Safe VIC
WA - Work Safe WA

Vocational Placement

Some students will be required to complete a vocational placement as part of their course, this is a structured and documented industry placement. You need to discuss this with your trainer.

Vocational Placement legislation is under the Fair Work Australia. You can access information by clicking here.

Some courses and placements will require a successful industry screen prior to commencement of the course or placement. This may include a police check, blue card, or yellow card. Check with your trainer, or course advisor prior to your enrollment.