Skills employers will look for in 2022 and beyond

By Lumify Learn Team  |  February 18, 2022

New year; new in-demand work skills. As we navigate a reeling landscape from the COVID-19 pandemic, Australia’s industries have seen the rising need for digital talents, leadership skills, and the ability to bring forth innovative business growth. If you’re after that promotion, dream career, or simply a skills bump this 2022, it pays to keep in touch with rising fields and the latest industry demands.

Below, we outline the top skills Australian employers are after – both in this year and beyond – and how a short course (or two) under Lumify Learn can help. 

Project management 

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With leaps in technology made by the month, the industry has been seeing a recent surge in demand for project management professionals; particularly in ICT-related areas such as big data, artificial intelligence, and automation.

Businesses are also rolling out new plans for advancement amidst post-pandemic recovery, requiring those with the skills to manage these projects. Additionally, closed borders have hampered access to offshore talent, resulting in greater demand among the local workforce. 

Before COVID-19, studies predicted an additional need for 100,000 Australian project managers by 2027. These latest trends, however, are not only likely to retain these predictions – but may just outperform them altogether. The average project manager also earns $100,138 AUD a year (according to Payscale), offering newcomers plenty of high-paying opportunities in the field. 

Those interested in project management can pursue Lumify Learn’s Certified Project Management Professional course, a boot camp program exploring the fundamentals of this role – such as handling resources, budget, documentation, and implementing various “agile” management methods.   

Software development 

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Software development refers to the process of designing, creating, deploying, and maintaining new software programs and applications. According to IBM, there are three basic types of software develops typically create: system software (providing computers with their “core functions” such as operating systems and hardware management), programming software (i.e. compilers, debuggers, and other tools to create code), and application software (programs allowing users to perform tasks). 

With our ever-growing reliance on digital programs and services, software developers will continue to grow in demand this 2022 – and in the many years to come. Job Outlook predicts strong growth in the next five years, with over 46,000 additional workers by 2025. The average software developer also earns about $70,468 AUD per year, according to Payscale.

Aspiring software developers can explore the basics of this field through Lumify Learn’s Certified Full Stack Developer course, a short boot camp program that delves into both the front and back-end processes of software development. Students will learn popular, in-demand languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, and MySQL – along with a fundamental knowledge in DevOps concepts.


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Where there’s a business, there’s a need for marketing. As Australian market trends continue to evolve, the skills to keep pace with and leverage new opportunities will continue to rise in demand. Among these trends is the growing consumer demand for brand connection and loyalty. As senior director of GoDaddy Australia, Suzanne Mitchell, puts it: “As many emboldened Australians consider turning their passion into their purpose, they’re not simply looking for a product, service or software; they’re looking for a brand to be their partner, who understands their motivations, challenges and aspirations and supports them on their journey.”

This is where growth marketing comes in – a modern marketing strategy that’s heavily focused on attracting, retaining, and engaging with customers all throughout the sales funnel. It’s a process dedicated to providing a tailored, individualised consumer experience, and is often reliant on endless experimentation and innovation. 

With digital marketers set to grow in demand (expecting a 21.1% employment increase in the next five years, according to SEEK), the skills and knowledge in this are invaluable. Jora also reports an average annual salary of $80,000 to $100,000 AUD among average growth marketers.

Those seeking to explore this field can pursue Lumify Learn’s Growth Marketing Professional course, a boot camp program dedicated to analytical, research, social media, and copywriting skills required to run successful growth marketing campaigns. 

Cloud computing 

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The future is a digital one, with our reliance on internet platforms only set to grow. This includes the rising trend of cloud computing services, which 72.9% of Australian businesses (in the professional, scientific, and technical services industry) now depend on. 

Cloud computing refers to the practice of using remote online servers to store and manage one’s data, files, and applications. In contrast to using on-location data centres or one’s personal computer, cloud computing allows one to save on the physical space and finances associated with local storage.

Despite high demand for such services, Australia is currently grappling with a cloud computing skills shortage. According to Amazon Web Services (a leading body in the cloud industry), nearly half of the current Australian workforce (43%) who have not yet acquired cloud computing skills believe it will soon be a requirement for their jobs by 2025. As such, salary potential in the field is quite high – with cloud computing skills paid an average of $135,000 AUD per year, according to Payscale (though this may vary depending on role). 

Those looking to join this rapidly expanding field can pursue Lumify Learn’s Cloud Computing Certified Professional course, a boot camp program delving into the basic cloud computing skills among the industry’s leading platforms; including Microsoft, Google, and AWS. Students will learn to devise their own cloud solutions, as well as areas of compliance, risk management, and security. 

Cyber security 

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Finally, our growing dependence on the online realm has led to the never-ending threat of cyber crime – a trend only set to grow this year, and beyond.

News reports have stated that an average of 164 cyber crime reports are made by Australians each day; with fraud, online banking, and online shopping scams among the top-reported crime types. In 2021 alone, “self-reported losses” resulted in over a whopping $33 billion AUD.

Cyber security will thus remain a valuable, in-demand skill for the years to come; a practice dedicated to protecting one’s devices, systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks or compromise. Similarly to cloud computing skills, however, Australia currently faces a severe shortage in cyber security workers – with nearly 17,000 more professionals required by 2026. Salaries are therefore competitive in this sector, with the average pay being around $97,000 AUD per year for this skillset (based on Payscale reports). 

If you’re looking to beef up your current IT abilities – or keen to join a growing sector with 0% unemployment – Lumify Learn currently offers a Certified Cyber Security Professional course to jumpstart your skills. A short, bootcamp program comprised of CompTIA certifications, students will learn the fundamentals of networking, virtualisation, penetration testing, incident response, and plenty more. 

Build your skills through Lumify Learn’s Boot Camp Programs! 

Seeking a quick boost in skill this new year? Lumify Learn’s boot camp programs offer quick, flexible training in Australia’s most in-demand sectors, without the length and commitment of a fully-fledged diploma or degree. 

Get certified for high-paying ICT roles in a span of 3-6 months under leading bodies in tech, including Amazon Web Services, CompTIA, and Microsoft, and many others. Best of all, each course is delivered online, helping you train according to your specific needs and schedule.

Gain the skills you need through our boot camp courses, and enquire with us today

Lumify Learn offers a wide range of courses:

ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Back End Web Development)
ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Advanced Networking)
ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking)
ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Web Development)
ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Systems Administration Support)
ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology

Certified Project Management Professional
Certified Full Stack Developer
Certified Artificial Intelligence Professional
Certified Cyber Security Professional
Certified Data Science Professional
Cloud Computing Certified Professional
Growth Marketing Professional